carefully chooseの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Bin Laden also evades capture by carefully choosing the company he keeps.
  2. They carefully choose opening acts to help package a given show.
  3. Serial killers, they said, carefully choose victims with the same characteristics.
  4. The author of a book may write codes by carefully choosing the wording.
  5. Chip designers got around the problem by carefully choosing a blend of metals.


  1. "careful work"の例文
  2. "careful writing"の例文
  3. "carefull"の例文
  4. "carefullest"の例文
  5. "carefully"の例文
  6. "carefully chosen"の例文
  7. "carefully conduct"の例文
  8. "carefully considered"の例文
  9. "carefully planned"の例文
  10. "carefully selected applicant"の例文
  11. "carefullest"の例文
  12. "carefully"の例文
  13. "carefully chosen"の例文
  14. "carefully conduct"の例文

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